Talks on Clematis, Garden Tours Available

Clematis, Queen of the Flowering Vines
If your garden club or other organization is interested in learning more about clematis and how to take care of them, Cindy would love to talk to your group! The presentation takes about an hour and covers plant selection, planting, placement and our very simple Frozen North Pruning System. There's lots of information on growing clematis in the Frozen North! We often have a lovely selection of plants to show, and would be happy to bring some with us. Participants receive handouts that include planting instructions, a pruning guide and a resource list of books and web sites. Rates are reasonable and references are available.

Clematis in Containers - available fall 2025
Yes, you can grow clematis in containers and I'd love to teach you how! We'll cover everything from selecting the appropriate containers and clematis varieties to planting, fertilizing and - most importantly - how to winterize them. With years of experience, I've made every mistake in the book and can help you avoid the pitfalls. The presentation will take about an hour and includes a Power Point and handouts.

Garden Tours
Tours for garden clubs and other groups also available! Our gardens include over 75 varieties of clematis of all types, and we grow them in all kinds of ways. See them on traditional supports, in containers, draped over rock walls, snuggling with shrubs and much more. Want to see a clematis planting demonstration? Wondering about the many ways you can grow clematis? Arrange a free tour!

Interested in making arrangements for one of these programs?
Send me an email at the address listed below.

Copyright © 2025, Hummingbird Farm, All Rights Reserved
202 Bean Street, Turner, ME 04282
Phone: (207)224-8220 Email: